So let me just start off by saying as of right now, Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week, minimal schoolwork, no TV shows requiring my attention, and it is our off night from running.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my runs, but it is so nice to get home from work, make dinner, do my homework and look at the clock and realize "it's only 8:30 and I am done for the night". One would think I would spend some quality time with my live-in Hottie, but I know he appreciates his time to do his things too, so I usually try not to be too demanding, at least until 9pm, ESPECIALLY on a night where he unloaded the dishwasher for me (my LEAST favorite thing in the whole world!) and made it EVEN better by loading the dirty dishes too, he is the BEST!!!!!!!!
Something new, starting tomorrow I have switched late nights with Liza for the rest of the year so she can do a bootcamp class she is excited about. I welcome the change in schedule to break up my week, and I am also looking forward to long-run Wednesdays. We typically do a little longer run on Wednesdays so it will be nice to knock it out first thing in the morning:) 4 miles tomorrow, but I am on my own:( SO I am planning 2 1 miles loops around our circle, plus 2 miles on the treadmill for some speedwork, psyched? Well, I'm getting there.
Onto my crazy thoughts for the evening... John and I have been discussing running a Full Marathon, crazy? Yes! Excited? Absolutely! We are looking at the Jacksonville Bank Marathon for December 2010 which would require us to start training in August 2010, I think plenty of time to get prepared and Excited! We will see how this comes to fruition, or if we select a different race, but no matter what I am getting excited to schedule my 2010 race seasons!!!!
Now onto a more serious note...
Today was an interesting Tuesday, I realized that I should be SO thankful for so many things in my life that I never take the time to reflect on. As many know I am an avid blogstalker, but reading one today made me realize how lucky I am and how thankful I should be. So in following suit, I am going to start my "What I'm thankful for posts", especially with Thanksgiving around the corner, you really should think about it.
What I am Thankful for #1
STABILITY and Support
I have been so fortunate as to never have a truly unstable life. Sure, at the time I may have acted like my life was so dramatic, but I realized today how lucky I am that I have a stable life, job (for the most part), and family to depend on, many people cannot say this. I am so glad that the people I love and who love me in return are well taken care of, and have just as strong a support system as they provide for me! Some people do not have much to look forward to, but find the best in what they have, and hopefully everyone out there, no matter what their circumstance has someone looking out for them.
I send thanks to all my family and friends for being my support system!
What are you thankful for?
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