Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ten Things Tuesday

Aren't I make Tuesdays your favorite day of the week?

1.  I want to say a Huge Thank You to Jaime for helping me get started on my training plan with a little more direction! Hopefully we will get to meet soon!

2.  The last 2 morning I have not been able to drag myself out of bed to run. I blame this past weekends festivities and lack of normal sleep, but seriously, it's Tuesday- Why have I not recovered?!?!? Oh right, because I am 100.

3.  I have a 10k coming up in 27 days, I need to start being a bit more focused with my training. Back to the speedwork and tempos.

4.  Today I had 5 miles planned. I ran 5 miles, and decided to do something a little different, since I need to be getting ready for this race. I opted for a sort of tempo run today with some pick-ups interspersed throughout.

1/2 mile warm up before the good treadmill opened up :)

5 Miles- 44:28
Mile 1-  9:26
Mile 2-  9:09
Mile 3-  8:51
Mile 4-  8:17
Mile 5-  9:13  (cool down)

My run felt great, challenging, but not difficult or painful. I am hoping to see a lot of these negative splits, faster miles, and pick-ups help my overall pace.

5. Foam rolling tonight HURT! My lower calves/ankles are super tight and I don't know if it is miles, the shoes, or some sort of side shin splint. I am honestly hoping it is just the shoes, because new ones are coming and that is the one thing I can change/eliminate.
6.  I am on a mission to get my abs back to the 5 pack I had in high school. I started tonight by doing stability ball crunches, reverse crunches, planks, obliques, and throw downs...Ouch!

7.  I have some pretty brutal tan lines from my sun laying this weekend- next weekend will require a straplesss bathing suit to eliminate said line- I Hate bad tanlines.

8. One of my co-workes told me today that he signed up for a triathlon this summer. Ok, truth- I am avoiding doing a triathlon  because I am terrified of the open water swim. In Florida, you are raised with the knowledge that all bodies of water (including swimming pools) will have an alligator in them at some point or another.

9.  Biggest Loser Makeover Week has me intruiged so I will leave you with just 1 final thought....

10. Mother's Day is Sunday, Remember Mom this week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in desperate need of a foam roller! I borrowed a friends' and its magical. And, I've been thinking about doing a tri-... it would be so much fun!
