Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Track Workout #1

Happy Wednesday Y'all! It's Top Chef night in this household, but this morning was day 1 out at the track.
I am seriously needing to join JTC the local running club, but I just haven't gotten around to it, part of me is kind of enjoying doing my own thing, so not like me.

This morning I had some ambitious plans for a ladder track workout this morning - 400,800,1200,800,400,1600.  With 400 RI between each and 2 minute rest before the 1600.

My goal times were- 1:50, 3:48, 5:50, 3:48, 1:50, 8:00
Actual Times  -  1:49, 3:46, 5:48, 3:48, 1:49, 7:55

5 miles total with warm-up and RI, plus about .3 for a cool down.
I was quite pleased with that last mile, and the 1200 looking back on it.
The 400s were cake, the 800s were killer, per usual.

I really wish that I could just do 400s every week, but I know that will not put me where I want/need to be.

Shoe Update: So the past 2 days of slight rubbing turned into an actual blister somewhere during my last 2 miles today. My first few miles felt great, I was loving my shoes. They felt light, supportive, everything they should be, and then as soon as I was done, I knew there was a blister waiting for me.
I opted to wear my last pair while walking the dog this afternoon, felt great, so when I got back to the house I disected the new pair, pulled out the laces, inserts, everything. The problem...a rough edge on the shoes stitching where the insert hits the side of the shoe. I put a little fabric tape on both parts- and walked around for a bit, seems to have fixed most of the issue, but we will see better tomorrow. If they aren't 100% better tomorrow I will wear my old shoes for my long run this weekend as not to get any debilitating blisters.

This weekend I am ready for my first long run, hoping to get in 12 miles at or very close to my goal marathon pace, and then a looong bike ride planned for Sunday!


  1. oh no about the blister. those are so rough! good call about switching back to the old shoes for the LR if things don't clear up soon

    and nice work on the track :)

  2. Great track workout! Are you doing it on a track? Those speed drills are such a great feeling!

  3. Great job on the track workout!!! You hit all of your times. I hit up the track yesterday too and it was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
