Monday, November 8, 2010

Caustiously Optimistic...

Happy Monday everyone, back to the routine today! I am currently obsessed with the cold weather, it makes me look feel so fast!

Like I mentioned Friday I was gearing up for my first post-marathon long run this past weekend. I was a bit nervous about how it would go since the IT Band was giving me so much grief last week. I was hoping for 10-12 miles, and ended up doing 11- a nice litte compromise I suppose :)

I ended up doing the first 5.5 alone, and the second 5.5 with a running buddy. The person I was running with was a teeny bit slower and I kind of did that on purpose, I my legs were itching to run far and fast, and while I knew some fast miles were needed, I also needed to exercise some control as to not hurt myself even more. Since I have no self-control in the cold weather, I knew signing up for pacing duty would be a good way to keep it at a moderate pace.

1st 5.6 Miles- 51:25 (9:11 pace)
Mile 1-  9:33
Mile 2-  9:24
Mile 3-  9:15
Mile 4-  9:16
Mile 5-  8:57
5-5.6 -  5:00 (8:20 pace)

So I was flying for the half I was alone, I felt so good, the temps were perfect, it was 45* and I warmed up so fast that I actually ended up taking my gloves off. It was so nice to be out for a long run again. I was really pleased with how good I felt (including my knee). Kind of bummed that I had to make a short stop to pick up running buddy and refill my water, but it was a quick stop and back out.

2nd 5.4 Miles-  52:43 (9:45 pace)
5.6- 6 -  4:02
Mile 7-  9:44
Mile 8-  9:33
Mile 9-  9:49
Mile 10-  9:28
Mile 11-  9:51

So my hands froze during the 2nd half, so bad that I could barely even push the buttons on my Garmin. Other than that, I was pleased that we were able to stay under 9:50 for the first 5. At mile 9 my knee started to hurt all of a sudden, so I promised myself that I would pick it up some for mile 10 and then I would slow it down for the last mile, since 10 was my minimum I didn't feel bad about the last 1 being slow. After I finished mile 10 my knee got pretty right, but the last mile helped loosen it up.

I spent most of Saturday with my knee hurting every time I bent it, not good! But woke up yesterday and it seemed fine- weird? I decided to literally rest all day and sit on the couch watching the NYC Marathon!

This morning I had a run planned with the group to do the bridges as usual on Mondays. Iwas very nervous about my knee after it freaked out at the end of Saturday's run, but it felt good so I told my coach I was feeling Cautiously optimistic.

Other than a slight ache somewhere on the 2nd down hill, it felt really good this morning! We did a total of 4 bridges (uphills) and the accompanying downhills. My times look slow to me, but I know I was doing well up the hills, and kept in check going down since that seems to be where my knee acts up.

5 Miles- 48:34 (9:43 pace)
Mile 1-  9:46
Mile 2-  9:50
Mile 3-  9:51
Mile 4-  9:39
Mile 5-  9:26

Another successful run, and I am ready to start picking it back up. I am also feeling cautiously optimistic about my race in 2 weeks, if everything continues to stay healthy, I think I could really see some big improvements in my running this fall!!!


  1. wow sounds like a GREAT first long run back. must feel good lady! i definitely foresee some great things happening in two weeks. very very exciting. be careful with that knee so my foresight will be accurate ;)

  2. Great first run back! ROLL ROLL ROLL that knee!

  3. Nice runs! Fun to see your workouts! Careful with that knee! What race?

  4. Hope your knee stays behaving! Excited to see you in two weeks!!

  5. Be careful with the knee - I am new to the blog :)
