Monday, May 24, 2010

Back to the Grind

Well my pretty fabulous weekend is over :( The good news is I have a short and fun work week planned.

Saturday after my run, and a few hours in the office I headed out to Lawtey to round out Penny's birthday celebration! We hung out by the pool, made many pitchers of margaritas, and gabbed the afternoon away. Well 9:30pm came and I realized I hadn't eaten since before I left work, and since dinner was no where in sight I decided to head home in attempts to eat and then sleep.

Yesterday John and I woke up early despite the fact that we were up until Midnight! I was really wanting to head back to my favorite train for a bike we did! After running out there Saturday, I just fell in love with it even more.

We did just under 22 miles. John actually rode in circles until he hit 22 miles, but it was close enough for me. It was a nice sunny, warm day, and we really enjoyed our bike ride today. I have also decided that I will probably be doing most of my long runs out on the trail.

After we finished riding and loaded up the truck, I was struck with a huge wave of hunger. I was still not fully replenished after my run and then add another 1300 calories lost from a bike ride and I needed something serious before heading out for the grocery store rounds.

A quick lunch and a shopping trip later, we decided more sun was needed, so we headed out to the beach to sit and read in the sun for a few hours. We headed up to one of our regular spots, and happened to bump into some friends that were out there with the same idea we had. We stayed a little voer 2 hours and then decided to head home to get dinner started and get the house cleaned up and ready for the week.

Now a little story for you, all last week I was craving a Blizzard from Dairy Queen after seeing a commercial for them on tv. On our way home from the beach we passed right by a DQ and I made John pull in to get me one of these bad boys...

Oreo Bilzzards remind me of my childhood, and I enjoyed every bite of this anti-healthy snack. I cleaned up my act for dinner and had lots of veggies and some chicken.

Another Law and Order Marathon came on last night so John and watched that, folded laundry and were generally lazy before turning in for the night. I started my Monday off by sleeping in as usual and will be running after work.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the L&O Marathon the other night too! HAHA
